Wednesday, July 27, 2011


Lab, lab, lab! Practicals is fun, yeah, surely better than theory. Endeavour, experience and exploit. The key to research. Fascination by results is the key to innovation, and it is that factor that drives practical work. But uff! Lab isn't interesting anymore. Not when your capabilities are tested by the notebook you wield. A college student is a warrior whose weapons are his math textbook(read club) and his observation notebook. Miss the latter and you're the primary subject of the teacher's anger. A perfect observation is an engineer's dream.

Once he begins his herculean effort to comprehend the science of engineering, his list of national duties get incremented by one. Oh yeah, I would recommend the Drafting Committee. How does this sound?

Section 24 of the Article 423 requires that "all engineering students maintain, update and validate the existence of their corresponding observation notebooks every week. Failure to do so, may result in inexplicable circumstances ranging from a petty warning to a full-fledged vent of the staff's anger on her housemaid who didn't come to sweep the house on that particular day".

As theory is tested by thoery, practical work may only be tested fair by a practical continuous assessment. But, oh goodness, 75% of my continuous assessment comes from my observation which "I solemnly swear to be a testimonial of my copying abilities and undetectable plagiarism".

All set and done, I have my Database Management Systems lab tomorrow and I must dutifully complete my observation. For I am an engineer.

\*unleash your thoughts*/


  1. dei....u wud do better to post the lab exercise syntaxes here..... :P :P :P

  2. Hahahaaa, Funny and Flucking BRILLIANT man, Can't wait to read more and more! Keep it up!

  3. and do you think i'm so jobless?! lazy you!

  4. You will have to endure all this for the next two years ;) So chill! :D Anyways,good one! Try using simple vocabulary so that everyone can enjoy the post :)

  5. Have U ever seen all 86 notebooks having the same code for a single program?????U can see it in my class!!!!

  6. Awesome ... especially that article 423 s damn true ...

  7. I will do that from my next post. :)

  8. then that is detectable plagiarism :P

  9. ya 2 rite. - by an engineering student affected by these disgasting things


Say what you feel ! Just like I have :)